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Fri, Jul 12


on Zoom

How to draft a bankable business plan

James, our experienced Business Plan Consultant will guide you through all steps to develop a bankable business plan. Including templates

How to draft a bankable business plan
How to draft a bankable business plan

Time & Location

Jul 12, 2024, 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM

on Zoom


About the event

Objective: This workshop aims to provide participants with the skills and knowledge required to create a detailed and effective business plan. The business plan will serve as a roadmap for their business venture, helping them to secure funding, attract partners, and guide their operations.

Duration: 2 hours

Target Audience: Aspiring entrepreneurs, startup founders, small business owners, and anyone interested in formalizing their business ideas into a structured plan.


  1. Introduction to Business Planning Importance of a business plan Different types of business plans (e.g., startup, operational, strategic) Key purposes: guiding operations, attracting investors, securing funding 
  2. Essential Components of a Business Plan Executive Summary: Overview and key highlights Company Description: Mission, vision, and business structure Market Analysis: Industry background, market size, and target audience Organization and Management: Company structure and team profiles Products or Services: Detailed description and unique value proposition Marketing and Sales Strategy: Market positioning, promotion, and sales plan Funding Request: Funding requirements and intended use of funds Financial Projections: Revenue, expenses, cash flow, and break-even analysis Appendix: Supporting documents and additional information 
  3. Market Analysis and Research Identifying target markets and customer segments Conducting competitive analysis Gathering and interpreting market data Tools and resources for market research 
  4. Developing a Marketing and Sales Strategy Defining your brand and value proposition Marketing channels and tactics Sales process and customer acquisition strategies Building a go-to-market plan 
  5. Crafting Financial Projections Key financial statements: income statement, cash flow statement, balance sheet Creating realistic revenue forecasts Estimating expenses and understanding cost structures Break-even analysis and financial ratios 
  6. Wrap-Up and Q&A Recap of key takeaways Open floor for questions and additional tips Resources for further learning 

Materials Provided:

  • Business plan Guide
  • Checklist of essential components
  • Market research resources and tools

Outcome: By the end of the workshop, participants will clearly understand how to create a comprehensive and professional business plan. They will leave with templates for the business plan and financial forecast, practical tips for refining it, and basic strategies to raise capital.


  • Reduced Tickets

    Sale ends: Jul 12, 11:00 AM
    ZAR 190.00


ZAR 0.00

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